Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Last of the Fall

It's been a beautiful fall here in Brunswick - mild temps, not much rain, and surprisingly long-lasting colors.  Last week we made the most of it with some high-volume training - we spent a lot of quality time outside doing a series of long workouts with some specific strength and threshold mixed in.  We finished the weekend with an OD rollerski/run - here are the women post-workout on the Pineland trails (photo courtesy of Shelby):

I'm really happy with how everything has gone so far - the skiers have done a great job of executing the workouts and staying focused, and I think the overall fitness is very good at this point.  Now we're taking a big rest week before we head into the "early darkness" phase of the season.  Time trials, lots of intensity, and Thanksgiving Camp are right around the corner, but for now we're taking it easy.

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