Saturday, October 18, 2008

Classic Time Trial

Informal classic time trial with Colby today - a beautiful fall day, perfect for a good workout. We met up west of Richmond on Dead River Road, a nice rural area with decent pavement and not much traffic. The course was a rolling 8.5k point-to-point that ended in Litchfield Corners. Walt and Matt Briggs broke away early and stayed together until the finish - Matt held off Walt in the final sprint to take the win. Nick put in an impressive effort to finish fourth ahead of some of the East's best skiers, with Nat and Woody close behind. It was a good day to be big and strong - the course looked hilly from behind the wheel of the van, but it turned out that most people did nothing but double pole (except Wilson, who earned everyone's respect by striding the whole thing with one pole - his left wrist is in a cast from a fall a few weeks ago). Still, a good hard effort and a chance to compete.

Rollerski results aren't particularly meaningful because of varying wheel speeds, so this time trial isn't much of a predictor of anything. However, what's important is that our team looked good today - the movements were strong and snappy, and the competitive fire was hot. Our technique and fitness are improving every week, and today looked a lot like progress to me.

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