Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lobster Roll

Today was the 2nd Annual Lobster Roll - a 14.5k skate rollerski race on the island of North Haven. The island has beautiful rolling roads with nice pavement and little traffic - great spot for rollerskiing. We had great weather and a great turnout - skiers from Bowdoin, Bates, Colby, UMaine-Orono and UMaine-Presque Isle showed up, as well as several racers from Maine Winter Sports Center. Our team held its own. Tom was 3rd overall and the top collegiate racer, defending his title from last year - word is that his homemade rollerskis are running slower this year, but fortunately Tom is faster, so it evened out. Other men: Woody 13, Nat 17, Spencer 19, Nick 22, Shem 27, Chris 32. Grace led the women in 14th and looked light and quick - her natural speed showed today. Erin was racing on a pair of borrowed rollerskis that were faster but less stable than the one's she'd been using. She adapted well, though, and finished 22nd in spite of tired legs and a crash. Overall, it was a fun and unique event for the team. Thanks to the many friendly locals who welcomed us onto the island and helped run the event, and especially to Andy Shepard of the Maine Winter Sports Center for putting it all together!

(I'll link to full results when they're posted).

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