Thursday, October 7, 2010

5th Annual Phlail

The 5th Annual Phil Soule Phlail on Sunday was a big success. We had beautiful weather and a nice turnout of around 100 people for the event, including a good crowd of Soule family members and alumni linemen. I was also thrilled to see several ex-ski team members in attendance: Will, Walt, Elissa, Matt, Jeffrey Dragonwolf, and Cookie Monster Tom Cook. The team did a nice job of making this perhaps our most smoothly run Phlail ever, particularly our finish crew, who ably negotiated the inevitable bumps of a hand-timed event to put out timely and accurate results. Thanks to all who participated and helped out - hope to see you all next year!

1 comment:

Sparkplug said...

Glad the race went well Nate! Love the new profile photo too!